Monthly Archives: November 2015



Blepharoplasty Recovery — Eye Lift Surgery Houston

Published: November 30, 2015

Once your plastic surgeon has recontoured your eyelids, altering or removing the loose skin, muscle tissue, and fatty deposits that have been bothering you, your face will look more youthful. After the procedure is complete, it will be time to begin yourblepharoplastyrecovery. Your healing incisions will need to be properly protected...

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Breast Reduction — Houston Tissue Removal

Published: November 29, 2015

While their overall goals are different, abreast reductionis actually quite similar to a breast lift. Both involve the removal of excess skin tissue, leading to firmer breasts, and both have the same potential incision sites. The primary difference between a breast reduction and a breast lift is the amount of internal tissue removed....

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